martes, 15 de junio de 2010


I was lucky enough to meet up with some friends for a weekend in London.
Flying there on Friday and coming back on Sunday, it was an exhausting weekend, but well deserved :)
Not having so much time forced us to squeeze hours and seize the seconds...However we didn't miss a thing.
I should mention Saturday night out, we headed SE and went to Shunt in London Bridge...what a different place!!! comparable to nothing and nowhere I have ever been to...
London doesn't change but it cannot stay hectic as always, as busy as it is...there is never too much of this city, and even when I get too much of it and I can't stand it anymore...deep inside me, it is my beloved London

Picture: a bit of memorabilia that reflects the really good weather we have been enjoying because far from an umbrella we nearly needed a sunshade...The Beatles, 1964 by Robert Whitaker.

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